Know 5 Reasons for Investing in Xbox One Console


Games are one of the best methods of entertainment. They boost your mood and improve your mind’s activity. If you want to start playing games just like you did in your childhood, on which console you’ll invest? If not sure, Xbox One console developed by Microsoft can be your ideal choice. 

It is the third generation of Microsoft’s consoles and has proven its qualities to gaming freaks. Xbox One hardware, software or even  Xbox One controller have brought such features that are almost unmatchable by any other gaming device. Xbox One has been launched as a viable competitor of PS4 in the market. 

Microsoft has added many new changes and updates in their latest gaming console and it has become a matter of discussion. Here are some reasons why investing in Xbox One is a worthy purchase. 

xbox one console

1. Utmost games selection 

We all have to admit the collection of the games is a major factor to look at while purchasing a gaming console. Xbox One’s lineup has a list of great games you can only get on Xbox One. The list contains Halo, Gear of War and Forza that are increasing their fanbase continually. 

Not only these, but the console also has second or third party exclusives such as Rare Replay, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 4, and Ori and the Blind Forest. 

2. Powerful consoles 

The second significant advantage of selecting Xbox is Microsoft builds the most powerful consoles in the market. The Xbox One X is the most powerful console, with native 4K visuals and a performance bump across the board for all Xbox One applications, including the games that aren’t built for the X.

In addition, you can buy and download games for the Xbox One online and they will be loaded automatically, or you may buy physical discs and they can be used to install and play games on the system. A subscription to Xbox Live Gold is required if you wish to play multiplayer games with your friends online.

3. The multimedia features 

The Xbox One’s integration with television and movies took up a large portion of Microsoft’s presentation. The company wants to control the distribution of entertainment to the living room.

TV viewers can use their voices to turn on their Xbox One devices. They can then change the station by saying “Watch SyFy,” which will cause the Xbox One to tune to SyFy. This was accomplished by using HDMI In to connect a cable or satellite box to the One.

These capabilities are also compatible with exclusive NFL viewing experiences and a new Halo television series available only on Xbox Live.

4. The controller 

The Xbox controller is typically considered a sturdier, better-built controller than other brand’s or even Microsoft’s other gaming consoles. The major feature of this controller is the analog stick has been placed at the right thumb stick slightly lower than the left. This feature provides you more comfortable gaming session and eases your thumb’s performance. 

The best thing about this controller is Microsoft has allowed third parties to build custom Xbox One controllers. So, you can get this controller in your favorite prints and designs. The designs are placed in a way that they actually look like the natural part of the controller. This thing was decided to give you a more personalized gaming experience. 

5. Entertainment features of Xbox one console

Apart from gaming, Xbox One offers you various entertainment features that are hard to find anywhere else. You can connect your Xbox console with a TV and use it to watch programs while playing games. Also, the Xbox music app allows you to stream your favorite music on the Xbox console, and you can listen to songs and play games together. 

You can also connect your Xbox online to watch Netflix, Xbox Video and others. As it has a DVD insertion feature, you can watch movies on DVDs and Blu-Ray discs as well. It also allows you to browse YouTube and watch anything you want. 

It even allows you to communicate with your peer groups. You can attend Skype calls on the Xbox One while gaming and watching TV on it. If you want to capture your gaming moments, upload the studio app on your Xbox One and let it record your gaming moves. 

As Microsoft develops Xbox, it allows you to connect with the internet explorer with the console. You can browse the web and make searches with your console. 

Other fun facts of Xbox one console 

  • It has a voice recognition feature, so you can deliver the console some smart commands such as turn on the TV, pause the game and many more. 
  • It has a built-in Kinect that lets you control it with your hand gestures. 
  • The same Kinect feature of the box is capable of identifying different faces of people. 
  • The Kinect can identify a player’s emotions, such as happy or sad, and even detect the player’s heart rate. 
  • Currently, the Xbox one runs off over 300,000 servers. 
  • Your Xbox One is capable of downloading updates and installing automatically. 
  • The Xbox One controllers can give you up to 7 years of playtime during typical use. 
  • Its split-screen feature allows you to do two activities together. For example, you can watch YouTube videos and play games both at one time. 
  • The Xbox One can be played offline, but it must be connected to the internet at least once every 24 hours. 
  • When the Xbox One was released on November 22, 2013, one million consoles were sold within the first day, making it a huge success.

These unique features of the Xbox One are capable of beating any other console in the market. Moreover, its special updates and modification have become one of the most desirable gaming gadgets, and gamer still love its specialties. 

It not only offers you an amazing gaming experience but also offers you a wide range of activities. So, investing in this amazing box won’t be disappointing for you. 

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