5 Best Types of Sprouts to Consume For Healthy Diet

Types of Sprouts

Types of Sprouts– Every human wants to eat if he wants to be alive. But we always want healthy food which is good for our body and health. Sprouts are one of the best food which full of nutrients and proteins and help to keep our body healthy and fit. And the benefits of sprouts are always countless. Here we mentioned different types of sprouts from different species and tastes.

The following reasons why sprouts are good for our health.

  • Full of Nutrients
  • Easy to digest
  • Allow to absorb more nutrition from food
  • Full of antioxidant

Types of Sprouts And Benefits

So many people are confused about the types of sprouts or which type of sprouts are suitable for their diet and health. So here we are going to mention the different names of sprouts with their benefits.

1. Bean Sprouts: Easy to Make And Tasty

types of sprouts

At which time did you asked from yourself why we eat bean sprouts or why should we select bean sprouts.

Bean Sprouts are full of nutrients that can be used in every recipe, Salad, or soup. These sprouts contain a low amount of calories and are also considered part of a healthy diet and available in fresh flavors. However, there are so many different types of varieties available in Bean sprouts. But the most common varieties are Mug Sprouts and Soyabean.

Easy to find in many grocery stores, and you can easily grow them at home. Growing Bean sprouts is not a difficult job put the seeds in a jar and keep that jar in some dark area. In the duration of 2- 3 days with night watering, they start growing.

Other Benefits

  • Blood Pressure Support– Bean sprouts help to reduces the risk of high blood pressure which is also called hypertension.
  • Cancer Prevention– So many people’s studies proved that the components and nutrition available in bean sprouts reduces the growth of cancer cells.
  • Eye Health– Because of the availability of antioxidants it may reduce the risk of weak eyesight and also protect from age related macular.

2. Lentil Sprouts: Good Source of Protein

types of sprouts

We all know that all types of Sprouts are full of protein and nutrients. But the lentil sprouts are the powerhouse of protein. Also considered as a low-calorie Diet, So anyone can add them easily in the daily or routine diet and Also in the weight loss process.

Lentils are also called a good source of thiamine, manganese, copper, iron, and vitamin C. If you want to grow lentils you need to soak them for 10 hours each day and follow this process for the next for days. Always wash them twice a day.

3. Radish Sprouts: An Aid for Your Liver

types of sprouts

For growing the radish sprouts you all need a cool place and water. It has been said that you can grow radish sprouts only with daikon radish seeds. Like other types of sprouts, this sprout also can be added to salad and sandwiches. Because of being more delicate sprouts, they can heat only for 20-30 seconds. For better moisture and proper use just kept them in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

In general, these sprouts are helpful for liver and gallbladder function. During menopause, women should eat radish sprouts daily as it prevents unpleasant symptoms.

Other Benefits

  • Help in Weight Loss– Radish sprouts are a low-calorie food that can be beneficial for weight loss. 100 grams of radish sprouts contain 43 calories.
  • Beneficial for Skin- Proper availability of vitamin c helps to build the skin cells.

4. Broccoli Sprouts: Helps to Prevent Cancer

types of sprouts

After so many researches and studies, it has been proved that there are many unique chemicals found in broccoli seeds that affect cancer cells. It is not suggested for dangerous and deadly diseases. But according to Johns Hopkins University, the research contains a large amount of glucoraphanin. This is the compound of sulforaphane parent this element is proved to increase the resistance of the body during cancer or cancer-causing agents.

Along with this broccoli also contains other different smaller doses which help to prevent the risk of cancer. If you want to get the benefits of broccoli then you have to consume at 2 pounds of broccoli sprouts each day.

  • Prevents Cancer- It has been said that eating cruciferous vegetables like broccoli sprouts at least 3 to 5 servings a day may prevent the risk of cancer up to 40%.
  • Mental Health– After so many researches it has been proved that some amount of sulforaphane is available in broccoli sprouts which prevent the disease of mental health like depression and schizophrenia.

5. Wheatgrass: Thyroid Protection

types of sprouts

Wheat grass gives countless benefits to your health and body. Everyone should the sprouting of wheat berries because these sprouts are delicious in taste and filled full of nutrients and proteins. There are many medicines and ways to prevent the cause of thyroid but only a few people know that this little helps to prevent the risk of thyroid and so many diseases.

According to many experts, this food is a super food that is full of protein and vitamins which keeps our body healthy and fit. You can take it as a juice or also as in powder form. Fest wheat grass juice is also considered as the living food.

Other Benefits

  • Helps in digestion
  • Helps to boost metabolism
  • Keep cholesterol level low or maintain the level of cholesterol
  • Maintain blood pressure level.


Here we mentioned different types of sprouts and also the different names of sprouts. If you are one of those people who are always confused about that how many types of sprouts are there and which sprout is good for your health then here we define the 5 best sprouts that are beneficial for your health and body.

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