Find Top 5 Pros and Cons Associated With Solar Panels

The Sun is a very powerful ball of elements that gives life to living things on Earth. Way before human civilization, people relied on the sun for warmth and cooking. Up to this day, the sun is the sole reason why we’re breathing the air we breathe, and for the food that we’re eating to survive.
Technology and innovation over the years developed ways on how we can make more use of the powerful sun. The use of solar panels for better energy sources has been advocated for so many years now. To this day, huge corporations and some residential areas in Australia and the U.S. have shifted to commercial solar as a way to lessen Earth’s declining condition.
To better understand how beneficial solar energy is, let’s look at each aspect that makes it an advantage and a disadvantage.
1. It is clean energy
The primary reason why experts and environmentalists have been advocating solar power is that it is clean energy. So far, it is the only harmless source of power that does not affect and trap carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
The electricity that we scarcely use is actuated by fossil fuels and foreign gases. The use of these compounds causes greenhouse gases that are trapped in the atmosphere. Which is the major cause of immense global warming and climate change that we have been experiencing for the last few years.
2. Solar source is unlimited
Solar panels’ photovoltaic cells collect the heat produced by the sun. As long as the sun exists, energy can be produced. We can expect to benefit from it as long as time permits. According to astronomers, our sun has about 7 to 8 billion years left before it explodes or dies.
If humanity’s lucky enough to still exist after a billion years in the future, then we just might be able to turn the condition of our planet to better. It’s safe to say that millions of generations in the future can benefit and live on a well-conditioned Earth. This is possible if we are to stop using fossil-fueled electricity. After all, the sun is all ours to maximize and make better use of.
3. It can power almost everything
People have the connotation that solar energy’s power is limited. Well, we’re wrong about that. The latest innovation of solar panels has been designed to produce energy to power anything. Enphase solar is an inverter used to convert the heat collected by the panels to a current that can power any type of appliance needed.
We might think that solar power’s capacity is only applicable to certain areas, but it can power an entire city. Huge corporations use commercial solar because their properties need bigger and wider panels to power their business operation needs. Just like residential homes, commercial solar uses Enphase solar inverters or other types of AC inverters for solar energy to be used in anything.
4. Increases home value
Solar panels are known to be quite costly. However, they come with great and lifelong values. According to research, homes that are installed with solar panels are considered more valuable. Since solar panels’ systems typically last for 20 to 40 years maximum, if you decide to move and sell your house, you can earn a massive return of investment from solar panels.
With this, you don’t only help mitigate Earth’s issues, but also invest in something beneficial and worthwhile. In Australia and the U.S., their governments established perks and tax money returns on individuals who are to shift and install solar panels for power use. This is one way for their governments to promote better energy sources and use.
5. Reduces electricity costs and saves future expenses
Though installation of solar panels will stash an enormous amount of one’s savings, that amount is lesser when compared to monthly bills that will be paid for an indefinite time. Solar panels are like an investment that won’t only make you more money (when you decide to sell your property), but it also keeps your emergency fund or savings fat.
This also saves you from possible inflation rates. If you are to compute your future expenses considering the rates in your country, state, home size, and tax fees, investing in solar panels are indeed more cost-efficient.
1. Production of solar panels causes pollution
If we are going to focus on how sustainable and beneficial solar panels are in the long run (for more than a decade let’s say) it might just make up for all of the damage that Earth has been suffering for years. Unfortunately, the road to sustainability comes with a grain of disadvantage.
Toxic materials and some hazardous products are used in manufacturing photovoltaic cells. Solar panels have a great lifespan. Unfortunately, no concrete research yet shows how long it will take for used and replaced panels to decompose and if it has any harmful effects on the environment. Regardless, its benefits for its lifespan are tremendous and truly exceptional.
2. Investment and installation is expensive
Solar panels are a great investment. However, if we are to promote the majority to shift and use clean energy, its current market price is not ideal for every social status. Everyone probably prefers to be a better consumer and be a big help to the environment. Unfortunately, not everyone is capable of investing a huge amount instantly.
According to 2020 research, the rates of solar panels decreased and their number of sales increased. This is a great start for people who can afford and are accessible to converting to clean energy now. It will surely take a long time before the world is completely renewable energy-dependent. But it’s one great step forward that huge corporations and some residential areas have already shifted.
3. It does not work at night (there’s an alternative, but it’s costly)
Over the years, solar panels manufacturers and companies improved their panels’ quality production and use. Solar panels even work perfectly fine even during the winter season. They say, as long as there is daylight, it will work regardless of the weather.
If you are to rely 100% on solar energy alone, expect you won’t have any access to electricity at night. There is a way to make use of panels’ collected energy at night. You will have to purchase a battery that stores your panels’ collected heat. This will allow you to make use of clean energy at night and to power anything.
4. Solar panels cannot be relocated
Homes that are installed with solar panels are considered to be very valuable and of a good investment. However, if you suddenly need to relocate your place of residence, it is unfortunate that you can’t bring your invested panels with you.
Typically, you can. However, every panel installed is designed to fit your existing roof. If you are to move to a smaller or a bigger house, your existing panels may not tailor to your new electricity needs. That is why it is not recommended and ideal for panels to be relocated.
5. Solar panels may not be ideal for urban cities
The primary need of solar panels to produce energy is sunlight. Dense and developed cities may not be the ideal place for solar panels to be installed. If you are to install one on a house that is surrounded by tall buildings, then your panels may not be able to perform well.
Another thing to take note of is that there is a certain number of panels needed for solar energy to work. If you’re planning to install one and your roof size is small, then your panels may not be able to collect the right amount of energy that your house needs.
Invest if you can and if you can’t, find better ways to help mitigate Earth’s issues
Every action and decision, may it be good or bad, comes with consequences. It is quite hard to find the balance between the two. What we can do for now is to act on what we can in the way we can.
The advantages of solar panels outdo their cons. Most especially if we are to look at its benefits in the long run. We are not only helping our planet, but we are surely helping to leave a better Earth for future generations to come.