5 Reasons for Mobile App Development in Ecommerce

Mobile App Development

People are shopping more than ever before, as evidenced by the ever-expanding eCommerce industry. Keeping up with the pace of the digital world can help you recognize that having a website for your company is no longer sufficient. 

Businesses no longer rely on website banners, roadside banners, email marketing, newspaper ads, and other methods to attract customers. Mobile apps are essential for fostering ties between companies and their clients. Due to technological advancements, mobile eCommerce has grown in popularity in recent years.

According to Statista, the global smartphone user base will reach 6.5 billion by 2022 and 7.6 billion by 2027. According to recent research, in the United States, mobile transactions are expected to account for 44.2% of retail eCommerce sales in 2025.

With the increasing popularity of mobile devices and their use, developing an E-commerce app is no longer an option but a requirement. The mobile eCommerce industry has grown dramatically in recent years.

Why do you require an Ecommerce App?

It is hard for Ecommerce store owners to reach their full potential in an environment. There everything is moving toward mobile commerce, except they have a mobile application for their stores.

All of the statistics above may have made you wonder why customers prefer to shop online using apps. Here are some reasons why your ecommerce store needs a mobile app.

  • Increase customer loyalty
  • Less response time
  • Customers prefer apps
  • Competitive edge
  • Higher conversion rate

1. Increased Customer Loyalty

Mobile app development can help you gain even more of your customer’s loyalty. Even if they only download it to see what you have, customers are more likely to return and use the features that will help them make future purchases.

According to Criteo research, mobile app users are twice as likely as shoppers who access your website via a mobile browser to return to your store within 30 days.

Implementing a customer loyalty program is an excellent way to encourage customers to spend more money. Having an ecommerce mobile app increases the likelihood of your customers participating in this type of program.

Furthermore, customers are 82% more likely to make purchases from websites with reward programs. A loyalty program encourages customers to spend more money to earn their next reward.

Rewarding clients according to how much they spend in a certain period is one way to develop a loyalty program.

2. Less Response Time

The performance of a website or application is a crucial aspect for any internet user. As applications store their data partially on a mobile device, the time required for an app to complete an action is significantly lower than for a website.

Even the fastest responsive mobile website cannot compete with the speed of an app. A minor lag can result in massive loss, which leads to customer dissatisfaction.

Data is transmitted ten times less between a server and a mobile application than between a server and a browser. 

It means that apps complete actions much faster because there is far less time spent waiting for loading screens or other delays common with traditional computers or laptops. The new app allows users to streamline their experience and save time. An application’s settings allow the user to select a default option, which causes it to load just relevant content.

Customers can now be more proactive rather than wasting time scrolling through irrelevant content that eventually takes up space on their phone’s screen.

3. Preference for Mobile Apps

Mobile applications are far more convenient than mobile browsers for shopping, especially when visiting an ecommerce site for the first time. There is no question about the superiority of apps over browsers: according to a survey, 78% of users said they would choose to use a mobile app rather than a mobile browser to access a store.

It’s not surprising that people prefer mobile apps. To begin with, accessing the store doesn’t require logging in or remembering a URL. In addition, applications are faster and more secure than mobile browsers.

4. Competitive Edge

In today’s world, it is hard to get sales by using a mere website. Still, these sales won’t last forever because customers would shop from the convenience and speed of their phones than waiting for websites to load on desktop computers or tablets.

On the other hand, being a startup and developing a robust ecommerce mobile app will give you a competitive advantage over other sites that do not have one. If a customer can’t decide between your site and a competitor’s site, the app will give them a reason to choose you.

When someone visits your website or storefront and sees that it does not meet the standards of what customers expect to find online, they have no reason to buy. It is in your best interest to make an app now so you can get ahead of everyone else who was late to the party.

5. Higher Conversion Rate

A mobile ecommerce app helps in increasing conversion rates. When customers plan to shop online, they want a simple purchasing process, which a mobile app can provide. And this is the only thing that matters in the end because it contributes to revenue.

Furthermore, due to optimized item display, customers who access your store via an app are likely to view 4.6 times as many products as they would in their mobile browsers. Finally, the average order value in apps is 140% higher than on mobile sites and 130% higher than desktop sites. Consider how much more you could make if you instantly increase conversion rates by 130%.


With the growth of the mobile industry, businesses must now invest in ecommerce mobile app development.

Developing an ecommerce mobile store is an excellent way to reach out to and attract new customers. It will take time before your site receives enough traffic to generate sales. Consider all of the reasons why creating one might be beneficial to your business goals.

Investing in mobile apps can improve customer loyalty, response time, and brand recognition, provide a personalized experience, and boost sales and revenue. Ecommerce app development services are gaining popularity due to their numerous advantages.

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