Explore Top 7 Equestrian Activities to Perform Now

Equestrian Activities

The term Equestrian is an enclosing term that involves the activities related to horses and other species of Equus. It encompasses both competitive riders and recreational drivers, and handlers. All the mounted activities and unmounted activities are also involved in equestrianism.

There are two categories of mounted Equestrian, which are as follows:

  • Western disciplines
  • Eastern disciplines

As a general principle, the classification of both was based on the kind of equipment used while doing any activity on a horse. The most recognizable factor between the Eastern discipline and Western discipline is the kind of equipment. Vaulting (doing gymnastics on horseback), driving, and halter (in-hand) are few activities that do not come under the bracket of eastern and western disciplines.

Nothing can be more happening and exciting for a passionate horse lover than sitting on their four-legged escort when it comes to horse riding. Horse riding is not just a type of sport, balancing, and fitness, people explore unique scenic places and countrysides with the companionship of their favorite partner. All you need to do is take horse riding lessons.

Few most known horse riding competitions and events-

There are several Equestrian activities and competitions. Let’s check out a few of them:

1. Saddle seat-

The saddle seat is the style of horse riding within the group of English riding, which is outlined to display the trotting activities of a particular breed, peculiarly the Saddle bred.

2. Eventing-

The event eventing involves three divergent disciplines, which are:

  1. Showjumping
  2. Cross county
  3. Dressage

Competitions related to horses are either long or short plans. For example, in the short program, three activities occur only in one day. Whereas in the long format, the three activities remain the same but occur in different sequences and include tracks and roads and foot traces.

 In this event, the horse should be obedient and quiet, good athletic to accomplish a round of show jumping. Then, after show jumping, it must quickly get fast, fit, and brave enough to tackle the cross-country route of between 25-30 hurdles over varying territory.

On the first day, the dressage test is completed by the riders. On the second day, three activities are there:

Steeplechase at a fast gallop, roads and tracks at steady trot occur first. After the vet checks the steeplechase, the last step is a timed cross-country course. Finally, after all these activities, the final placing in the show jumping round tells about the horse’s toughness, training, and fitness.

3. Hunter-

The activity that comes under the Hunter is jumping discipline. In this discipline, the presentation is concluded by subjectivity. Some factors have been taken into consideration that incorporate horse movement, conformation, and style.

4. Dressage-

   It almost takes over ten years to grow the skill, strength, and balance of the horse. Same as the aim of dressage means developing the horse athletically. The term dressage has been taken from the French word ‘training.’

   Fundamentally, relaxation and rhythm is the goal of dressage. To take a horse’s health to the top level requires ten years of hard work. When a top dressage rider rides the horse, they pretend that they are not moving the saddle while showing complicated and challenging steps like flying or piaffe changes.

   When dressage occurs ideally with absolute power, grace, and dignity, it is known to be a ballet of the horses worldwide; due to this, it refers to Dancing with horses.

5. Showjumping-

 It is one of the three sports of the Olympic Equestrian. Like all other equestrian disciplines, there is a competition between men and women named a gender-neutral sport in this sport. The showjumping implies a thrilling combination of courage, control, and technical skills. In this sport, the trainers train horses over the sequence of hurdles, made to fall when they get knocked. The winner in this show jumping will be the rider who is the fastest with the slightest faults.

6. Trail riding-

 In trail riding, horse riding occurs on natural roads and trails rather than in an enclosed area. There are informal activities in trail riding done by an individual or group of people. These trail ridings are directed by outfitters or professional guides, mainly as large guest farms. Some competitive events check the capacity of horses by running over the obstacles in the trail like crossing streams, opening and closing gates.

7. Endurance-

In endurance, the horses and riders participate together over a noticeable trail within a particular given max time. There is no allocation of minimum time. Before the ride, the horse’s check-up has been done by the veterinarians. Also, there is again a check-up of the health and security of the horse after the ride. For being a victorious competitor, there should be good knowledge of the safety and pace of his horse.

As a final observation-

The equestrian activity involves drivers, handlers, conventional riders, and recreational riders. Two categories are there in equestrians: western discipline and eastern discipline. Many competitions and events are also there in equestrian activities which we have already mentioned above.

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