Comparing Edge Computing vs Cloud Computing

cloud computing

Nowadays, we are discussing lots of things like 5G, IoT, cloud computing, and edge computing in the technology communities and business world. That’s why lots of businessmen are adopting cloud computing rapidly. Due to some advancements in the field of IoT and 5G, it has generated lots of tech innovations. Among these technologies, edge technology is one of them. If you want to use one of them, you will have to understand these two technologies. While comparing different features of these two technologies, you will also get an idea of either edge computing will replace cloud computing or not.

What Is Cloud Computing?

If a vendor uses various services like software development platforms and storage servers through internet connectivity, we call it cloud computing. The vendors who are using cloud computing have three common characteristics. First, they have scalable services. Secondly, the users have to pay the expenses of the services. In these services, there come memory, bandwidth and processing time etc. Thirdly, cloud vendors have to manage the back-end of these services.

Advantages of Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing has many advantages. Here, we will discuss the most important advantages of cloud computing.

  • It is providing a highly dynamic and flexible resource provision to the users. By using cloud computing, the users can easily fix the workload over the demand. Most of the people are using cloud computing. That’s why the demand for virtual services is at its peak. The users can easily use this service at the time of the spike. When the spike is over, the vendors can easily place back in the heap.
  • Cloud computing is providing the highly virtualized platform to users. Highly virtualized means that this platform can easily manage the high levels of portability. We can easily move its app from one part of the cloud to the other part. We can move it rapidly. As a result, we can easily improve availability and performance.
  • The users of cloud computing services don’t worry about its maintenance. Its reason is that Cloud service providers have the responsibility to maintain these services.
  • The users can easily get access to its services from all the platforms. For example, you can easily get access to its services by using desktop as well as mobile devices.
  • By using cloud computing, companies can easily save their capital and operational expenditures.

What Is Edge Computing?

By using edge computing, we have to distribute the computing resources and application services along the communication paths. To distribute these resources and services, we have to decentralize the computing infrastructure. If we use the edge computing, we can easily meet the computational needs of the company. The users can get instant access to the data by using edge computing. There are lots of examples of edge computing. The most important examples of edge computing are autonomous vehicles, streaming services and smart homes etc.

Advantages Of Edge Computing

If you will use edge computing, you will also get lots of benefits. Here, experts of a dissertation help firm will discuss the most important benefits of edge computing.

  • It is the best technology to keep the data intelligence close to the users. The edge computing will improve the responses of the data. By using edge technology, we can easily connect various IoT devices. You can also use this technology in the event-driven items.
  • Edge technology can also minimize data transfers across the broader networks. It means that edge technology will provide more bandwidth to the users for the manipulation and analysis of the data.
  • For the data transfers, it is providing the onion skin approach. While using edge computing technology, we can easily capture and analyze the data. When this technology will capture and analyze the data, it can easily filter out the useless data. It means that it can point out the issues immediately.
  • By using edge computing, users can also improve their performance. The edge computing technology collects the data from the cloud. After collecting the data from the cloud, it performs some further actions. It means that it processes and analyzes the data. After processing and analyzing the data, the users can easily perform the desired actions over the collected data.
  • If you will use the cloud computing model to perform various actions in your firm, this model will be pretty expensive to the users. On the other hand, if you will use an edge computing model, you will have to bear fewer costs. Its reason is that edge computing requires less bandwidth and latency.

Edge Computing VS Cloud Computing:

Most of the people think that the emergence of edge computing has replaced cloud computing. It is not true because these two computing services have their benefits. Anyhow, there is a difference between these two computing services. Here, we will discuss the most important differences between edge computing and cloud computing.

  • Cloud computing and edge computing are the requirements of different companies. If you are running a medium scale company and you are facing the problem of the budget limitation, it is the best choice for you. On the other hand, if you are running a large scale company and you will have to deal with massive data storage, cloud computing is the best choice for you.
  • If you want to implement either cloud computing or edge computing in your company, you will have to pay attention to the programming. If you are using edge computing in your company, you can use several different platforms for programming. All of these platforms have different runtime. On the other hand, if you are using cloud computing, you will have to focus on one target platform for programming. Moreover, you will have to use only one language for programming.
  • These two computing services have also differences from the security point of view. If you are using edge computing, you require a robust security plan. With the help of this robust security plan, you will have to use advanced authentication methods. This security plan will also be helpful to you to proactively tackle the attacks. On the other hand, if you are using cloud computing, you require less robust security plan.

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