Top 6 Easy Ways for Creating The Perfect She-Shed


Here are some amazing ideas that will make you want to create your perfect She-Shed or just the perfect little space just for you and your stuff. Whether it is a space to relax or to work East Coast Junk Removal has some great ideas to get you started!

Creating Perfect She-Shed

Here are some amazing ideas that will make you want to create your perfect She-Shed or just the perfect little space just for you and your stuff. Whether it is a space to relax or to work Junk Removal has some great ideas to get you started!

First of all, what is a She-Shed?

A She-Shed can be really what ever you make of it. It is popularly used as the female version of the man-cave. The whole concept of a She-Shed is for a place a women can call her own, whether it is for work or for leisure. Women can lead very hectic lives and the days of just the men doing all the work are long over. Some times women will clean out their old shed and convert it into their own little personal space.

Other times they may build it all on their own. Some women use it as a craft studio or a place to do their art. Other women like to use it as an office for quiet work time. There are some women that use it as a gardening hub. A nice play to sit and arrange flowers or take a break from tending the garden. What ever a women chooses to do with her She-Shed its all her own!

1. Clean out your existing shed if you can afford the loss of storage.

The first rule of thumb is the cheaper the better! So use your pre-existing shed as your she-shed. That is if you can afford the loss of storage. A good way to clean out your already existing shed is to start by removing everything out of it, even if you think you might put it back. Make 4 piles: Sell, Donate, Keep, Toss. I always recommend recycling, selling or donating before you throw anything in the garbage. Your waste may end up in a landfill and you definitely don’t want that!

2. Use your deck or porch as your she-shed!

If there isn’t much going on on your deck or on your porch you can always use that as a She-Shed. Remember you don’t always need to use your shed. You can even use your garage or a gazebo if you like! There are so many different ways you can create a beautiful little space for yourself.

3. Decide on a theme and stick to it!

If its going to be a gardener’s paradise stick to that. If you are going for a readers nook stick to décor that goes with that theme. Everything will come together better when you have a clear idea in your head of what you want. It will also help you keep yourself organized.

If your theme is arts and crafts you know you will need tables and furniture you can get a little paint on. You will also need storage tubs or drawers for your supplies. If you are trying to create a writing space you know you will need to make sure there is electricity access and you will be able to get good lighting, WIFI and plenty of outlets.

4. Make the exterior YOURS.

The outside of your She-Shed should scream YOU. So make yours! Change or paint the doors, upgrade the windows, paint the outside and even customize the roof if you want! Add cute signs on the outside so everyone knows its your space! A lot of women also enjoy planting flowers on the outside. What ever you do make sure its within your budget and that you absolutely love it!

5. Use an old tree house or playhouse!

If your kids have outgrown that tree house or playhouse and it is just sitting there collecting dust put it to use! You might have to extend the ceiling a bit because it may have been made for little ones. But you can truly turn that old rotting tree house or playhouse into a super chic She-Shed!

6. Add a coffee machine!

Now a days with Keurigs and easy to use coffee pods putting a small coffee maker in your she-shed could be the perfect accessory your personal space! As long as you have access to electricity in your she-shed you are ready to go! Create a cute coffee bar for yourself and make sure you keep those mugs everyone is always stealing from you in there!

What ever you do with your She-Shed make sure that you have fun making it! Remember it is your project and your project only so enjoy it!

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