Top 5 Cosmetic Treatments to Get Rid Of Acne

Do you find that no matter how many products you use, pimples cover up your gorgeous face and body? Acne is not only embarrassing, but it can also have a negative impact on your self-esteem. Thankfully, several skin treatment procedures have proved to treat acne and provide patients with clear skin effectively. It’s time to try a new acne treatment to improve your looks and quality of life.
What Causes The Acne?
Pimples form when your skin’s oil and dead skin cells come together to form a clog that obstructs your pores. Usually, your skin sheds dead cells on its own. Those cells might become caught in your pores if your body produces a lot of sebum (oil).
The germs Cutibacterium acne can also become stuck in the pore and multiply. The area becomes inflammatory as bacteria naturally live on skin overgrow within the clogged follicle, resulting in papules, pustules, and cystic lesions.
Exfoliating dead skin cells, sucking up excess oil, reducing inflammation, and killing the C. acnes bacteria are all goals of the treatments listed below. There are even specific therapies that are specifically for hormonal acne.
No One-size-fits-all Solution to Acne
This was something that all of the dermatologists we spoke with agreed on. Every patient reacts to treatment differently, and things may become worse before they get better. However, selecting the proper treatment for you is an important aspect of acne self-care.
With the guidance of your dermatologist, you may find the right Cosmetic Clinic for your skin. And, indeed, working with a dermatologist to get it properly can be beneficial—especially if your acne isn’t just infrequent or minor.
Your doctor will first check your skin to assess the severity of your acne, assign a grade, and establish which kind (or types) you have. Then they’ll figure out what kind of treatment might be most effective.
Here are some of the popular non-surgical procedures they might recommend to you.
1. Light Therapy
The bacteria that cause the redness and swelling associated with acne can be destroyed by exposing your skin to various types of light. Your doctor may apply medicine to your skin to make it more sensitive to light before the treatment (photosensitizers). You may need to see your doctor for repeated treatments.
Blue light, red light, or a mixture of the two may be used in your treatments. More research is needed to figure out the best ways to treat acne with light.
Pulsed light and heat energy can also be used to eliminate acne germs. These therapies may cause oil (sebaceous) glands to shrink, resulting in reduced oil production.
In the treated areas, possible light treatment adverse effects include:
- Redness
- Peeling and crunching
- Skin tone variations
- Sun sensitivity
- Pain
2. Chemical Peels
Chemical peels may help people with minor acne improve the appearance of their skin. Fine lines, tiny face scars, and sun damage have all been treated with this surgery in the past.
Dermatologists utilize chemical peels that are not at all available over the counter. Your doctor will apply a reasonable chemical solution to your skin during a chemical peel. This solution aids in the unclogging of pores and the removal of dead skin cells, blackheads, and whiteheads. A chemical peel can also stimulate the formation of new skin. For the best outcomes, you’ll probably require numerous treatments, which aren’t long-lasting.
Possible side effects may include scabbing, redness, and swelling, crusting, scaling, and skin color changes.
3. Cysts and Inflamed Acne: Anti-Inflammatory Injection Therapy
If you have cysts and inflamed acne, anti-inflammatory medication can help by reducing inflammation and alleviating the pain that deep cysts can cause. Such injections can also prevent the cyst from rupturing, resulting in scarring. How does it accomplish this? The medicine injected into your acne tackles the germs that cause inflamed acne or cysts on your skin.
Within a week of receiving your injection therapy, you should notice a reduction in the appearance of your cyst and inflammation, as well as an improvement in the texture of your skin. This procedure is mainly non-invasive and takes only a few minutes.
4. Laser Surgery
A wide range of laser treatments is available. It depends on several factors, such as the skin type and color and the final goal for you.
A high-intensity light pulse is directed towards the skin during laser treatment. A laser may reduce acne-causing bacteria and inflammation. It also helps the existing pickles heal and boost the rejuvenation of the skin, depending on the treatment used.
Laser is used for acne as well as acne scar treatment. Some lasers require only one therapy, while others require several treatments. Laser treatments are costly, and insurance is not usually covered. Also, you may want to visit a professional skin care clinic for such therapies.
5. DOT Therapy (Dermal Optical Thermolysis) for Complex Acne Cases
Dermal Optical Thermolysis (DOT) Therapy can treat those with severe and complex acne. A fractional CO2 laser is used in DOT Therapy to decrease sebaceous glands, blend pigment, and stimulate collagen formation while improving skin texture and scarring.
One of the finest elements of this treatment, aside from the results, is that it can be adjusted to your specific needs. Lower settings might be utilized if you want to have an as little downtime as possible. If you have significant skin problems, on the other hand, we shall use more strong settings. The procedures are always swift, efficient, and carried out in the office.
So, these were some of the best skin treatments to get rid of acne. But before you undergo anyone of them, consulting the best skin care clinic and dermatologist is very important. They can guide you on the right track. All these treatments, if done by a professional, can give you great results.